

We have so many to make in a given day even within an hour! How we need our sleep and that supernatural energy that comes from God to keep us alert and mindful of what is important and priority. My first choice in the day is how I spend the…

Going with the Flow?

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It's easy to go with the flow. Agree with everybody; don't cause any conflict; steady the boat; be nice all the time; follow the crowd; watch all the 'soaps'; and have all the latest technologies. Are we meant to live like this? Salmon fish…


Here's a word that makes us look upwards! I immediately think of an eagle soaring through the air currents.Then, I think of the jet planes soaring above the clouds. I remember one day in London when it was a beautiful sunny day and I was admiring…

God’s Way is a Way of Peace

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"How sure can we be?" ... This can be a dilemma in all sorts of situations but the wonderful thing is that God is practical and can help us with decisions and even with who God is. Can I be sure of Him? Can I be sure that he won't let me down?…


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What do I do when I need help? Binge, cry, shout, work out a plan, share about it with a friend or simply pray. I've done all these things but I find that when I can stop and pray, I can then be more at peace and see the answer coming. If I…


Sometimes what life throws at us can overwhelm us. I think that this is an experience that probably all humans face some time or other. Particularly when the unexpected happens, it can throw us in all directions. The emotional toll of such…


This is not a word we use much in every day life but Jesus Christ was known to be meek. I thought it meant humble but it turns out that it means being brought into submission like a wild horse being trained - out of control at first but harnessed…

At a Glance!

What do you see when you glance at the Bible? A dusty book, something that is irrelevant or an exciting adventure story? All can be true but it is only when we get to know the Author of this amazing book that we realise that it is a love letter…


Rain can give us this but the Spirit of God can give us living water that comes from God's heart.  Trust that even though it has been the wettest February on record (I think I heard) if we had received the equivalent from the Holy Spirit I…

Being Quiet

Waiting, resting and quietly waiting for God may seem alien in our society but so necessary to be able to hear God and move with him. I have been challenged by Doctor Howard Morgan (from the States who is visiting the UK at present) to spend…