Media Muddles
Motivation, Word of GodIt's so easy to get in a muddle and we want to cry 'Get me out of here' when our circumstances become overwhelming. However, there is a way through the mass of media communications that confront us each day.
We can so easily mishear something…
Inspiration, Motivation, Word of GodThe Holy Spirit is a prompter. He nudges, advises, teaches and guides us into the action that God wants. I've had experiences recently of God doing this to me. When I've forgotten something, he suddenly reminds me about it. When I've overlooked…
Motivation, Thanksgiving, Word of GodThere's a song that says, 'Victory is on our lips and in our lives' but does one follow the other? What does victory look like today? We're fortunate in the U.K. not to be at war within our country (although some in Scotland may war with…
An Anchor
Motivation, Word of GodEvery boat has an anchor but do our lives have this solid weight keeping us stable? Sometimes a weight can be a hindrance but when it has a purpose then one can allow for it. God's word, the Bible, provides solidness for our lives. If we…
Being Quiet
Motivation, WorshipWaiting, resting and quietly waiting for God may seem alien in our society but so necessary to be able to hear God and move with him. I have been challenged by Doctor Howard Morgan (from the States who is visiting the UK at present) to spend…
Motivation, Seasonal messageWhen life does not make sense, Jesus is Lord! When everything seems to go wrong, Jesus is Lord! When our best plans go pear-shaped, Jesus is Lord! When my body hurts, Jesus is Lord! When I'm misunderstood, Jesus is Lord! When everything seems…
Motivation, PrayerStopping! Relaxing! Chilling out! Listening to God! Being free to be! Enjoying the wonders of creation! All phrases that could mean the same thing - but essentially needed in order for us humans to keep in balance.
How amazing that God…
Motivation, Word of GodAre you a half-full or half-empty person? Human beings seem to be in one of these camps. We either see things positively or negatively. I hover between the two!
God has intended that we always see things from a half-full perspective. …
Celebrating the Best
Motivation, ThanksgivingThere is so much to be thankful for. Our very lives are precious and those of our children incredibly valuable. That is why what we feed children (physically, mentally, socially, spiritually, emotionally) is so important and strategic to what…
The Essential Christian Bookshops
MotivationWith all the hustle and bustle of modern day life we are becoming increasingly busy with very little time to think. The Christian bookshops in our country (UK) provide a wonderful service. They have to hand not only a huge variety of books…