Born to Die
Jesus Christ was born on time and his mission to die for the whole world was spot on time, too. God is never too early or too late with what he does.
It’s obvious that after we are born we have to die sometime (unless Jesus comes back first and takes us to be with him forever – and we are still waiting for his second coming) but God has some amazing plans that enable us to die while we live if we will yield to him. God wants to so fill our lives that the self life dies (we are told to reckon ourselves as dead – see the whole book of Romans in the Bible) and then we can be fully alive in him. Then strangely enough we get to live life to the full as a result.
There are hardships, difficulties and circumstances that we wouldn’t have chosen but God uses these all for our good (Romans 8:28). Diamonds are bedded in the depths of the earth and until they are discovered, honed and polished one can’t see their true value. Similarly, we are like diamonds being polished by our maker and as we surrender ourselves to him then the true value of what he has made comes out and shines and becomes evident to all.
That is why diamonds are so graphic in giving us an example of deadness (looking of no value) and real life (when polished – showing what they were meant to be and appreciated). So with Diamond Books – we are endeavouring to show children the life of God that is available to them so that they can grow and become fully developed and mature as they take in God’s life changing word.
Then we can say ‘beautiful, beautiful’ – God makes all things new and all we have to do is play our part in his tapestry of the world we live in.
So this Christmas let’s thank the Lord, oh thank the Lord for all his love to us as individuals and to mankind as a whole. Let’s not forget our brothers and sisters round the world who struggle, are persecuted in a big way and have few of the benefits that we in the west experience. We can pray and give to them and make a huge difference.