
The Reason Children Sing

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Children are often such spontaneous beings and we adults can learn a lot from them. Jesus actually said that we are all to become like little children in the simplicity and simple faith they easily exhibit. Jesus also said that if people didn't…

God’s Way is a Way of Peace

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"How sure can we be?" ... This can be a dilemma in all sorts of situations but the wonderful thing is that God is practical and can help us with decisions and even with who God is. Can I be sure of Him? Can I be sure that he won't let me down?…

Creation is Staggering!

Whether it's the brilliance of a sunset or the antics of tiny ants, God's creation is staggering. The sheer volume of the beauty, variety, shapes and sizes of it all shows the sheer extravagance of the Creator who amazingly links himself personally…

My Secret

"Do you have a secret? Do you promise not to tell?" goes the old Searchers song.  I have a secret that I want everyone to know - Jesus Christ is really alive and can change the heart of every person on this planet.  Somehow, it doesn't make…

Good Friday

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When I was a teenager, I wondered why 'Good' Friday was good when a 33 year old in the prime of his life was crucified outside Jerusalem over 2,000 years ago. Then, when I was 17 years old, I discovered why. The ugliness of human sin had…

Born to Die

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Jesus Christ was born on time and his mission to die for the whole world was spot on time, too. God is never too early or too late with what he does. It's obvious that after we are born we have to die sometime (unless Jesus comes back first…


When life does not make sense, Jesus is Lord!  When everything seems to go wrong, Jesus is Lord! When our best plans go pear-shaped, Jesus is Lord! When my body hurts, Jesus is Lord! When I'm misunderstood, Jesus is Lord! When everything seems…

Celebrating the Best

There is so much to be thankful for. Our very lives are precious and those of our children incredibly valuable.  That is why what we feed children (physically, mentally, socially, spiritually, emotionally) is so important and strategic to what…