A Wake Up Call


Death has a habit of bringing good to light. With Nelson Mandela’s passing and my dear mother-in-law, Isobel, too, this past week, it has been a time of reflection and reordering of our lives.

Mandela brought peace across many peoples and even began a link between nations with the handshake of Obama and Castro at the memorial time.  Lasting peace of any kind, however, can only be found in Jesus when a person humbly comes to him and admits their need of him in repentance for their wrongdoing.  Then peace with God is experienced and then peace between people can take place in a real way.

My mother-in-law was a colourful character, living life to the full until her surprising death after an accident in a home that she often visited with much delight. However, her life’s journey did not end here as, while in hospital,  prompted by a close relative,  she said the sinner’s prayer and became eligible for heaven. So, we are so pleased for her that now she is resting with her Saviour and will be safe with him forever.

Diamond Books seeks to let children know that there is more to life than just here on planet Earth.  In various ways, the books provide starting points for discussion that can lead children to ask all sorts of questions.

As was quoted from our Archbishop of Canterbury yesterday in a tweet ‘Don’t wait until you are older to find out about Jesus.’ Our young generation need to be steered towards their Maker and then as they get to know him he can direct their steps along his best path for them.  Their lives will then be so purposeful and amazing that they will never regret the step they could take in giving their lives to Jesus for him to do with them whatever he likes. A great adventure indeed!