
There's an old song that Barbara Streisand used to sing called "People" in which it says that 'people who need people are the luckiest people in the world'. I wouldn't use the word 'luckiest' as I don't believe in luck of any kind. The sentiments…

Who You Know

We see a lot of good around and folk are so eager to help when there is a crisis. However, to love God enables us to love our fellow man/woman/child more and there are extra benefits also. One of my favourite verses from the Bible is “And…


I'm returning to this simple word that means so much. I think that this word is one of God's favourites as he wants everyone in the whole wide world to come to him so that he can love each of us. God's love is so immense and yet so often overlooked…


Sometimes what life throws at us can overwhelm us. I think that this is an experience that probably all humans face some time or other. Particularly when the unexpected happens, it can throw us in all directions. The emotional toll of such…


With all the carnage in Paris and all the talk about revenge, I wonder what God thinks of it all. One of the foundation stones that I was given in picture form when I first embarked on writing 'Diamond Books' was 'mercy'. I can be a judgmental…


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In the foundation picture that the Lord gave me at the start of this project, there were several unnamed stones for quite some time. The foundation picture consists of 9 stones, 4 of which have been already named and studied. The next 3 stones…


I do and I don't work well under pressure. So often the pressure I face is of my own making. However, to get the balance in life is never easy and I certainly am not good at this. However, I do seem to rise to a challenge after the initial shock…

All is Well

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Even when setbacks come and disappointments trouble us, God has a plan. We are required in everything to give thanks for this is God's will for us (1 Thessalonians 5:18). We are to give thanks which often requires a sacrifice as we may not feel…

A New Season

As well as it being summer, something drastic happened to me. A month ago today my husband died unexpectedly - not really dead as I am sure he has gone to be with Jesus in the home prepared for him - his real home forever. He had aggressive…

Who can I trust?

In today's world it's very hard to know. However, there is a litmus test that helps us and we can find wisdom to know this. We all let each other down as people as we have that tendency of thinking about me and doing things our own way and…