All is Well
Even when setbacks come and disappointments trouble us, God has a plan. We are required in everything to give thanks for this is God’s will for us (1 Thessalonians 5:18). We are to give thanks which often requires a sacrifice as we may not feel like doing this.
Our lips can speak what we know is true regardless of our feelings or circumstances then as we act in faith, God can do great things through us and also in spite of us.
Our children need to learn about giving God thanks in all situations and God’s word helps them to be thankful. When they and we see all that God has created around us we can’t but help give Him thanks. The fact that most of us have eyes to see colour and beauty and the variety of His creation is amazing in itself. We have so much and are lavished with God’s goodness.
May all the children in the world appreciate how good God is and may they be led by us adults to give thanks and praise to Who it is due. Without God, we would not even have breath to be alive. Oh the wonder and power of God shown to us so vividly in the person of Jesus Christ who when he was a man on earth children loved to be with. They ran to him as he was like a magnet of the love they needed. Also, today, when children hear of Jesus, they love him and learn to thank Him.
Let’s feed our children with God’s word and let them see the beauty of all that He has made. ‘The Creation Series’ can help with this so children can appreciate the diversity and uniqueness of all his creation. Not even a grain of sand or a snowflake is identical to another and we humans are all different! How hugely amazing is the God who made us all.