7 ways to squeeze time!
I don’t know about you but I find there don’t seem to be enough hours in a day. Yet, we all have the same number of hours to play with. How can we manage our time better? Realising that time doesn’t belong to us is a start even if this idea seems to contradict what has just been said. If we consider that time is a gift from God then we can connect with our Maker and find out how to use his present well. Starting with the owner’s manual helps. The Bible has a lot to say about time – “My times are in his hand” is a good starter.
Here are the mains to choose from – (a full meal will include all of them!):
1 Pray about each day – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.”(Proverbs 3:5-6) God can give us perspective about the coming day and the hours that are in it.
2 Plan carefully considering just in case this is your last day on earth and also for the long term remembering that “we make our plans but God has the last word”(Proverbs 16:1 – Good News Bible)
3 Have regular times to relax, e.g. going for a walk; pottering in the garden; phoning a friend. The writer of Ecclesiastes speaks about getting into balance and enjoying the life we’ve been given realising that it’s not all about work. As we allow for these times of refreshment, we’re able to work more efficiently when we get back to it.
4 Laugh – the Bible tells us this is like medicine (see Proverbs 17:22). Who wants chemicals in us anyway? I try to have a laugh every day at something and sometimes at myself!
5 Do similar things at the same time e.g. make several phone calls all at once; reply to those emails in one go (Ephesians 5:16)
6. Pace yourself, remembering just to stop at times and find and see the beauty of what is around you “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth (Ecclesiates 12:1) and of course this applies to us older ones who can still feel young inside!
7 Keep alert (see Psalm 91) – and keep the brain functioning well with having plenty of water in one’s diet and doing the odd crossword/sudoku (tucked into a few minutes)
Diamond Books has been developed in this way. Where there seems to be no time, God makes a way through the ordinary things of life and makes the time. May we each keep in balance as we seek to redeem the time – as Jesus is coming back! Lets keep our priorities in focus throughout each day!
PS The dessert is having the satisfaction and peace that what has been done in a given day is what my Maker wanted!