
Coping with the shocks of life

I'm reminded that those early disciples were so shocked when Jesus Christ visited them, coming through a door, after his resurrection. He told them that he would rise from the dead but somehow they had forgotten and they were so unsure of what…

Wholly Surrendered

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Here during Holy Week in the Christian calendar, we are aware that the central figure of our faith, Jesus Christ, was not only Holy and pure himself but was also wholly surrendered to doing the mission that Father God had appointed for him to…

Overwhelmed by Circumstances

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Sometimes we can get overwhelmed by circumstances or situations or just with life in general. The pace that some of us go can produce all sorts of side effects like not sleeping properly or even not eating regularly or being withdrawn from people.…

A Helping Hand

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How we each need this ... especially at Christmas time when it seems that the world is buzzing with busyness. My 92 year old mother is in hospital mainly with mobility issues and when she tries to walk, she is in need of assistance on either…

Why teach the Bible to children

The Bible is a very reliable book, teaching not only morals and good ways of living but also showing the way to live this sort of life. As humans we fail and are weak at doing what is right and we readily make many mistakes through life. The…

7 ways to squeeze time!

I don't know about you but I find there don't seem to be enough hours in a day. Yet, we all have the same number of hours to play with. How can we manage our time better? Realising that time doesn't belong to us is a start even if this idea…


What a word! Have been challenged recently with this tongue twister of a word. It's a word that children find hard to read and to spell and for us adults it's not always easy to remember its structure especially when typing it. However, it is…

Short and Sweet!

What does that conjure up in your mind? My initial response is something to eat - a bit of liquorice; a strawberry; a green bean; a wine gum! Then, thinking some more, my mind goes to a cute child; a clever advertisement; or a cuddly toy. To…


What a referendum! I couldn't sleep and put on my radio at 1am to hear that 'remain' votes were coming in fast, then at 2am there was a change in the air and then at 3am there was a decisive change and I had to get up and follow it on the TV.…

Why Pray?

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It is often said that prayer changes things. I would like to amend this statement by saying that I think that God changes things and people as we humans pray! God invites us to pray and He provides the answers. He wants to reveal Himself as…