The Love that will not let me go

Delays! delays! That’s the story of my life at present, waiting for my dear husband’s CT scan to be taken together with lots of things in the home going wrong and waiting to be mended.

It has been a very challenging fortnight. Mike, my dear hubbie was taken into hospital and then a week later visitors were not allowed to visit any patient in the whole hospital – all because of a wee bug that decides to cause havoc.

Through it all, through the tears and frustrations, there has come a solid peace that passes all understanding. God really is on the throne and he doesn’t allow anything to touch his children that He and us together can’t handle. He loves and loves us and only allows things to happen for our good.

I read this morning in “Streams in the Desert” volume 2 written by Mrs. Charles E  Cowman that when news of his up and coming blindness became known, the Scottish preacher, George Matheson, penned the words of “O Love that will not let me go. I rest my weary soul in Thee.” It is such a wonderful hymn that has ministered to me through the years. When I found out this morning how it came to be written, I was very humbled and in awe of what can transpire when difficulties come.

I am so conscious of God’s constant love. Healing flows from his hand and at this Easter time we are reminded of the power of the cross and the Resurrection that not only makes it possible for our sins to be removed but provides a stream of blessing when he heals our sicknesses and diseases. He is a specialist in miracles and we need to expect them in our every day life.

So, as we celebrate the wonder of what God did that first Easter, let’s enjoy the spoils of what he came to do. The NHS could be mightily relieved of patients if we took God at his word and prayed every time we were sick. As we simply believe, like a child does that when he asks he will receive from his loving parents, then the miracles can happen.

May God touch each one of us as we reach out to Him whose love will not let us go. May each child starting their Easter holidays from school know that undergirding of a Heavenly Father who does not forget them but longs to hold them and give them all that they need to be the godly children he desires us each to be.