How Do I Get Help?


Where does my help come from? What is it like? How does it feel?

Over Christmas, I have needed help. Old patterns of living emerged and then moods at times spiralled out of control. What did I do? I cried out to God. On one occasion immediately the phone rang and a friend called that hadn’t been in touch for years and after over an hour chatting my mood had changed. That was God’s answer for that situation.

Then, another time, I was overwhelmed with various circumstances and emailed a friend who within a short time had some strategic advice based on the Bible and also other practical suggestions that she has practised when in a fix. This proved to be another answer to another problem.

God’s word can provide a huge anchor in our stress times. By putting Scripture to memory and meditating on verses enables God to help us recall what we need to know and hear at a given time. We do our homework as it were and he gives us the credit when we need it. Psalm 121 is a classic example of a Scripture that reminds us of where our help comes from.

For small children, the word of God can seem irrelevant yet put in bite sized pieces with loads of illustrations, it can be very relevant, life changing and rewarding. Seeds of God’s word planted early into a child’s life can reap so much in a child’s behaviour and attitudes as they grow. So, again I would recommend ‘The Creation Series’ again – books based on the Bible that can provide help and an anchor to our children in these troubled times. They each have a memory verse in them to help children hide God’s word in their very impressionable hearts.

I have felt so comforted and at peace when once I’ve stopped crying in my times of need and considered what God had to say to me.  Then, God can become an even greater reality than before. We can build on our experiences with God and realise that he is a faithful God who is ever at hand to help us in our times of need.

Sometimes, we try to pretend that we are OK when the truth is that we are hiding our emotions from others and even ourselves and trying to hoodwink God. When we are real with God, others and ourselves, then true honesty can be experienced and God can step in more easily it seems.

The best prayer that any of us can pray is ‘Help’ and God always comes to the rescue. So to old and young, let’s not forget that our heavenly Father sees all and sees our struggles and he is ever ready to help us in any and every place and situation.

God’s arms are big enough to embrace us all, individually and together! Happy 2015 realising that God is big enough to help us all whatever scrapes we find ourselves in!