Overwhelmed by Circumstances

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Sometimes we can get overwhelmed by circumstances or situations or just with life in general. The pace that some of us go can produce all sorts of side effects like not sleeping properly or even not eating regularly or being withdrawn from people.…

7 reasons for Praying

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It's often said that 'prayer changes things' but I'm convinced that God uses prayer to change people including and especially us who are praying. 1       It's wonderful to know that prayer was God's idea and came from him to us humans.…


Here's a word that makes us look upwards! I immediately think of an eagle soaring through the air currents.Then, I think of the jet planes soaring above the clouds. I remember one day in London when it was a beautiful sunny day and I was admiring…

God’s Way is a Way of Peace

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"How sure can we be?" ... This can be a dilemma in all sorts of situations but the wonderful thing is that God is practical and can help us with decisions and even with who God is. Can I be sure of Him? Can I be sure that he won't let me down?…

Why Pray?

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It is often said that prayer changes things. I would like to amend this statement by saying that I think that God changes things and people as we humans pray! God invites us to pray and He provides the answers. He wants to reveal Himself as…

God’s Answer

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Whether we have small or big problems, God has an answer. I think He sets up situations in our lives so that we have to depend on Him. He wants our closeness of relationship more than anything else it seems and He wants us to draw near to Him…


I don't know about you, but I tend to get exposed when I am least expecting it. We can get exposure to the sun which can be harmful, we can get exposure to poisonous fumes or gases that equally are not good for us but sometimes we can get exposed…

Resting Place

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It's so good to have places where we know we can rest or relax but there is one place that can fit all. We were made to love God and enjoy Him forever and when that dimension of relating to God is missing then we miss out on God's balance and…


The most effective thing we can do is to pray - not the last resort! It doesn't have to be long. As I was tuning into God this morning, I sensed the Holy Spirit was saying, 'It's not the length of prayer, but it's the faith behind this that…


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What do I do when I need help? Binge, cry, shout, work out a plan, share about it with a friend or simply pray. I've done all these things but I find that when I can stop and pray, I can then be more at peace and see the answer coming. If I…