
We often think that weakness is a bad thing that can lead to mistakes or a failure of some kind. However, weakness, if recognised, can be a means of strength. The apostle Paul, as recorded in the Bible, said that when he was weak then he was strong, meaning that because he was linked up to Jesus Christ and the power of His Holy Spirit, he could access supernatural strength which is far stronger than the seeming strongest looking man/woman. One and God is a majority in any situation!

It’s so easy to judge people and I offend in this way many times. We don’t know the true motives of anyone. What comes out of a life might appear quite the opposite to what they are really like deep inside. God has a way of undergirding an individual with His character and ways which while still in the process of development can outwardly appear selfish or greedy etc.

The media has a lot to say about people’s behaviour and it can destroy or build up whoever it chooses. Human beings are so finite and so prone to blowing it that it is a wonder that anyone can gain high acclaim. What matters most is our life before God who sees all, hears all and can discern the deep intents of the heart.

Acknowledging one’s weakness is half way to gaining strength as this requires humility, a fruit of love. When we love someone, we are kind and faithful to them and when we hurt them, we can struggle with our apology but it is the only way forward. Then our relationship can be restored and our links with them become even stronger. So with God. As we acknowledge our sin (a word not used much these days – but in God’s vocabulary) to Him, then God forgives our sin and heals our often broken hearts. Then He comes into our lives and makes them new and as we lean on Him and not lean on our own understanding He exchanges our weakness for His strength.

Children who suffer with a mental condition or struggle with an illness that maybe difficult to manage, need to know how much Jesus loves them and wants to come alongside them to be the strength and help they need. As we adults become like needy children then we, too, can know God moving in us and dealing with our weaknesses and supplying all that we need. What a wonderful God we have, accessible to each and every one of us at any time and in any place.