Jesus – The Word?


What words – each packed with meaning!

Why is it that Jesus is so prominent at Christmas? If he was just a man, then why make such a fuss of him? People come and go. If a good prophet, why do the dates of history start as Anno Domini  (AD) from his birth? If God, why would he bother with the world that He created especially as we people have messed it up?

The early Christians used a fish sign for recognition so that the family of God could be sure of each other in the perilous days that followed Jesus’ death and resurrection. On the fish were engraved several Greek letters that mean Jesus, Christ, God Son and Saviour. These words say it all regarding Jesus as he was either a mad man or who He actually claimed to be and if so, He requests a response from each of us. If He is the Christ (the promised Messiah meaning ‘anointed’) and God’s only Son and a Saviour how does He communicate what we need to know and do?

The answer to this is found in the Bible which is known as the revealed Word of God. God inspired many men to write down what He wanted mankind to know and as scrolls and manuscripts were studied from long ago and after much prayer from men and women who were wanting God’s words to reach every human heart, the Bible, as we know it, became translatable and is now available in hundreds if not thousands of languages (for tribes, nations and various people groups). God used words to create the world and as Jesus came to our planet He used Jesus’ words to create new life in people who wanted and want this.

So, the Bible is not just a word for mankind but The Word as the power of the Bible’s words were made available to us in human form when Jesus visited our planet for just 33 years. Jesus was actually with His Father God and the Holy Spirit when the world was formed. God spoke and light came; God spoke and sky came; God spoke and land came; God spoke and sea came; God spoke and plants shot up; God spoke and the sun, moon and stars were made; God spoke and the sea creatures were made; God spoke and birds were made; God spoke and animals were made; God spoke and people were made. So, when Jesus came to planet Earth, He came with The creative words of life, counteracting all that had gone before with the mess up that took place in the Garden of Eden.

John 1:1-4 succinctly puts it “Before the world was created, the Word already existed; he was with God, and he was the same as God. From the very beginning the Word was with God. Through him God made all things, not one thing in all creation was made without him. The Word was the source of life and this life brought light to mankind.” (Good News version of the Bible).

Jesus – The Word sums up God perfectly. Let’s ensure that our children know about him and how He can continue to show His creativity in changing lives from within and healing our broken hearts, bodies and lives. He came to give us life abundantly and if we let Him, he can do just that today!