Why teach the Bible to children

The Bible is a very reliable book, teaching not only morals and good ways of living but also showing the way to live this sort of life. As humans we fail and are weak at doing what is right and we readily make many mistakes through life. The…

3 ways that our children can know

I didn't really hear and know that God wanted me to follow him until I was 17 years of age. I went to church occasionally (Christmas and Easter mainly) and taught regularly in a Sunday School of an Anglican church in Gloucester (UK) but I hadn't…

Going with the Flow?

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It's easy to go with the flow. Agree with everybody; don't cause any conflict; steady the boat; be nice all the time; follow the crowd; watch all the 'soaps'; and have all the latest technologies. Are we meant to live like this? Salmon fish…

7 ways to Help Struggling Readers

I used to teach struggling readers in small groups in many schools up and down the UK. The one thing I noticed was that every struggling reader responded to PRAISE.It is so easy to say what is not right about their reading but the fact that…

It’s Time – for What?

Just as we hustle and bustle to get our last minute shopping done before Christmas, have you ever thought my time might be up! I eagerly have all sorts of ideas of how to have Christmas and bless the people I love but sometimes I literally run…

7 ways to squeeze time!

I don't know about you but I find there don't seem to be enough hours in a day. Yet, we all have the same number of hours to play with. How can we manage our time better? Realising that time doesn't belong to us is a start even if this idea…

Books about Jesus that Children can Read Themselves!

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Have you ever thought, “Wouldn’t it be great if there were books about Jesus that young children could read themselves?” Over the years one or two authors and publishers have filled this gap with the occasional book but next year something…

Why Pray?

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It is often said that prayer changes things. I would like to amend this statement by saying that I think that God changes things and people as we humans pray! God invites us to pray and He provides the answers. He wants to reveal Himself as…

7 Ways to Help our Children to love God

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In this season of Ramadan when many families are seeking Allah in a challenging way especially during our long daylight hours here in the UK, how do the children view God at this time and how can they learn to love God? Christians differ…


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Sometimes, we are pushed to the limit and then God steps in. We, as Christians, are called to stand, even when the opposition and circumstances seem severe. I like to plan ahead and see what can be done in a given situation but God requires…