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The Holy Spirit is a prompter.  He nudges, advises, teaches and guides us into the action that God wants. I've had experiences recently of God doing this to me.  When I've forgotten something, he suddenly reminds me about it.  When I've overlooked…

New Beginnings

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God makes all things new - so we are told in the book of Revelation that looks ahead to a great future of splendour and beauty and peace and rest - but what about today? Every day is new and a creative gift from Father God. Every sky is…


The spectrum of the rainbow is amazing with green the central colour - the colour of heaven!  Green is such a tranquil colour and God must have known this when he created the grass and the leaves and all the green creatures, birds and animals. I…

Celebrating the Best

There is so much to be thankful for. Our very lives are precious and those of our children incredibly valuable.  That is why what we feed children (physically, mentally, socially, spiritually, emotionally) is so important and strategic to what…