Just a name? What’s in a name? This, in my opinion is a beautiful name often given to girls! I know several ladies now that have the name ‘Grace’ including a treasured Auntie and they all seem to exude its meaning which is even more beautiful to contemplate. There are however some men that have been called Grace (although I don’t know of any personally). A famous English cricketer was called Grace (William Gilbert) who is 1876 scored the first triple century..
Webster’s dictionary has a lot to say about this word ‘grace’:1 an attractiveness especially in design, manner or movement; 2 becoming courtesy; 3 manner, bearing; an attractive feature, an accomplishment; goodwill, favour; a delay granted as a favour; and a prayer of thanksgiving before or after a meal . However, it is in Christian theology in particular that this word has an amazing depth of meaning that soothes the human spirit. Webster says it is “the supernatural assistance of God bestowed upon a rational being with a view to his salvation.” That says to me that God is interested in us humans and wants to assist us, his ultimate aim being to save us (from sin and its consequences). Grace, in fact, is the word used in the Bible to say that because of what Jesus did by dying in our place, we are let off our sin as if we had never done it. To be called ‘Grace’ and to have this meaning to one’s name must be a privilege indeed.
I have always considered grace to be something that is given me that I don’t deserve, God’s undeserved favour, which fits in exactly with the theological meaning of grace. I was born a sinner and unless someone reaches into my inner being I will always be a sinner. God has done this reaching into my spirit, heart and soul when I was 17 years old and even though I, as a human being, will always be tainted by sin while here on planet Earth, one day God will take me to be with Himself and with Him I will be free of sin. What supernatural assistance is this!
The apostle, Paul said in 2 Corinthians that God’s grace is sufficient for us humans. So when things get on top of us or we feel condemned about something the grace – the undeserved favour of God – is that which sustains us and keeps us balanced and in tune with God’s overall strategy in a given situation.
That’s why I write Diamond Books so that children can appreciate what the grace of God really is. He doesn’t condemn or put down or write off anyone and children need to know how valuable and precious and favoured they are by God. Adults sometimes miss out on these truths but children are open and are often so aware of God when we grown ups have so often stifled our link with God.
Let’s not put any obstacle in the way of children knowing about the grace of God. When they and we stumble God’s hand is reaching out to us; when the way of life seems too hard, God provides a way forward; and when we feel wrecked by the storms and events in our lives that we weren’t expecting Big Daddy God is there to comfort us. “Let the little children come to me,” said Jesus. In the Message Bible it reads “Let the children alone, don’t prevent them from coming to me. God’s kingdom is made up of people like these.” (Matthew 19:14-15). Perhaps our politicians could get a bite of this as they consider the rules and regulations they put before children that actually hinder them seeing the truths clearly stated in the Bible.