The Jesus Series is a set of 16 books organised in two parts and with an accompanying handbook containing photocopiable word cards.
In Part 1, Books 1-8 focus on what Jesus said about himself, shown in John’s gospel. Each book teaches about one of the names given to Jesus in the Bible. For example, the first book teaches that Jesus is the light of the world.
In Part 2, Books 9-16 are stories about Jesus and tell what Jesus came to do, based on Isaiah 61:1-2 and Luke 4:16-21. They tell simple stories about some of the people Jesus met and how he helped them.
There are various ways an adult can help a child read these books. On each page of these books there is a part for an adult to read (in small print), along with a sentence printed in larger type for a child to read. It is recommended that the adult reads their part first, and then the child, so that a shared paired reading experience is developed.
The Jesus Series has been written by Carole Leah and illustrated by Floyd Yamyamin.