Many people have been involved in inspiring, supporting, promoting, and practically managing the development of the Diamond Books reading project. Below is a list of some of the main people who have contributed to the work.
Carole Leah
Visionary and main author of Diamond Books
Nigel Steele
Education Consultant and Digital Lead
Sharon Rentta
Illustrator of the Creation Series
Floyd Yamyamin
Illustrator of the Jesus Series and God & Me Series
Judith Queripel
Composer of songs for the Creation, Jesus and God & Me Series
Elizabeth McAsey
Teacher, research and development of books
Teachers from several schools have helped with trialling dummy books, practical support and finances from time to time. These schools have generally been part of the Christian Schools’ Trust or been based in the Merseyside area.
Various intercessors from more than one country are regularly praying for the Diamond Books reading project.
Thanks are also due to many other people, including all the teams at WestBow Press, Christian Focus Publications, and Christian Publishing and Outreach (CPO) who have been involved with the publishing process; as well as Carole’s late mum (Pat) and late brother (Mark) who released finances that were significant in initiating the publishing process.
The most thanks go to Almighty God who has called, inspired, equipped, provided and been so faithful throughout.