
Power of Words

I have been very conscious recently that there is great power associated with words. The most vital words for our lives are those found in the Bible and they offer us an insight into who God is and how we humans can connect with Him. As I…

One day

Taking one day at a time is fine in theory but putting it into practice is a different scenario. I think it takes faith to live this way without projecting into the future or mulling over what has gone before. Since looking after my Mum at…


Friday saw me clutching a box of tissues as my Mum and I went into a room to celebrate my late brother's life. He called it a 'Cheerful Farewell' which he had organised and planned. He had made a professional video of himself talking and sharing…


We all get it, try to deal with it and even try to avoid it but stress is an inevitable part of life that can actually help us to keep in check and balance. When tired, we can get things out of perspective and begin to feel things that are…

The Grace of God in Creation

I love the name 'Grace' which is a constant reminder of what is all around us! Grace means God's undeserved favour and just looking at creation makes us think of the enormity of what God did in creating our world. God, being God, could have…

The Unexpected

Life seems to throw up so many uncertainties and when the unexpected occurs, I tend to react rather than respond. Somehow, the routines of life can be comforting and give a false sense of security but when the unexpected occurs, I can wobble!…


With all the happenings in life, we humans do get broken, whether emotionally, spiritually and even physically quite literally. These confirm to us that we are weak mortals that need help from One who is stronger. So, what does God provide?…

Overcoming Challenges!

I don't know about you but I find challenges in life difficult to manoeuvre especially the unexpected ones but even these can send me reeling. Just recently, my dear brother, Mark, died and even though the lung cancer was eating his body, I…

Certainty in an uncertain world

We all live with uncertainty whether in a country or in our jobs or in our private lives. However, there is one certainty that doesn't change and that is God. The Bible states that God never changes (see Malachi 3:6) and Jesus Christ himself…

A Father whose love is constant

I had a wonderful human father who had a very bad start in life that actually didn't help him as a person as he travelled through life. So when I came along, he had no idea as to how to relate to me and kept me at a distance even as a baby. However,…