

Variety can be a spice of life! It can be even better than a rest. However, sometimes we can be busy doing this and that and forget to care and love and be sensitive to others. I know I do. God knows all about variety as he made this world…

Creation is Staggering!

Whether it's the brilliance of a sunset or the antics of tiny ants, God's creation is staggering. The sheer volume of the beauty, variety, shapes and sizes of it all shows the sheer extravagance of the Creator who amazingly links himself personally…

Media Muddles

It's so easy to get in a muddle and we want to cry 'Get me out of here' when our circumstances become overwhelming.  However, there is a way through the mass of media communications that confront us each day. We can so easily mishear something…

Brevity of Life

Oh to number our days and not waste a single one is what we are encouraged to do in the Bible. Somehow, as one gets older, the days are more precious even though they can easily be squandered.  However, as our days are so our strength can become…


"We make our plans but God has the final word." (Proverbs) I wouldn't want it any other way.  When we've done our best at planning a situation, somehow God always supersedes it with a much better plan.  Am aware that our minds are the battleground…

Beautiful Diamonds

The human race can reflect God's beauty as we yield and surrender to our maker. God's grace then becomes apparent and the beauty of Christ begins to show.  This takes humility and meekness and a willingness to embrace total servanthood. The…


I'm not so good at this but have asked the Lord to teach me. He wants us in balance and we're of no use to him if we are burnt out. The Bible clearly teaches us that we are to cease our own works and do his.  Then we can enter into his rest…


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The Holy Spirit is a prompter.  He nudges, advises, teaches and guides us into the action that God wants. I've had experiences recently of God doing this to me.  When I've forgotten something, he suddenly reminds me about it.  When I've overlooked…

Death of a Friend

  Just heard that dear Arthur Davies died the other week.  A real man of God and such a faithful friend. He was involved in the Wirral Christian Centre Church in Birkenhead since its inception many years ago and remained faithful…


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Are you married? Are you hoping to get married? Are you engaged? All are life changing questions. Can children experience engagement in a different way? Can they engage with God? I believe so and more importantly God has made provision for…